Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I know. It's a long time past Halloween. It's even past Thanksgiving, but I have to show our fabulous costumes. Chavs. Hopefully, nobody takes offense to them. We just had to do it. It was way too tempting and so easy. After spending some time observing and taking notes in Staines (the nearest town for entertainment), our costumes were a cinch and I think we impressed all the 'locals' at the Halloween party. We even had our very own Staines (middle)- quite a nice surprise! My final words on Halloween: "Oy!"

A few weeks after Halloween, we had another chance to break out some costumes. It was definitely one of my least favorite themes because it's a total stereotype and I don't even know anyone who fits it. But we had no choice. Our friends at pastorate (church fellowship group) though it would be fun and funny to dress as nerds. I was very anti and couldn't think of anything to wear. Chris came up with a clever idea to wear lab coats and goggles - easy to shed after a few minutes.


jaegerbuss said...

what did you dress up as, kids from the midwest???

The Chongs said...

chavs. the uk equivalent to white trash.

Mary B said...


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